
がする (ga suru) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Feel Like

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'がする (ga suru) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Feel Like'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression がする (ga suru) means feels like, tastes like, smells like.

It concerns the area of the sensory perceptions mainly through the sense of hearing, taste and smell.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of がする, how it is formed and when がする is used through real example sentences.

How and when to use がする

がする is used to describe the perceptions related to the sensory organs and can be:

  • (おと) a sound,
  • (こえ) a voice,
  • (あじ) a taste,
  • (にお)い a smell,
  • (かお)り a scent and
  • also generally a sensation (かん)じ.

In Japanese, it is used one single form with the verb する; in many other languages the translation changes according to the sensation and the organ to which it refers.

  • Tastes like...
  • Smells like...
  • Feels like etc.


There's a strange sound coming from outside.

Sense, sensation, feeling are espressed in Japanese with the word (かん)(かく) kankaku

How がする is formed

The expression is very commonly used and consists of:

  • the Noun which represents the element describing the sense: voice, sound, smell, scent, taste
  • the particle が which indicates the subject of the sentence
  • the verb する do in its polite form します


I feel like I'm in a dream.


It tastes sweet.

The verb する is used in the plain form, in the polite form and in the various verb tenses:

  • がします / がしました
  • がしません / がしませんでした
  • がする / がした
  • がしない / がしなかった


This beef tasted of garlic.


This sweat doesn’t taste of fruit.

Examples of がする


A nice smell of curry comes from the kitchen.

In colloquial speech the particle is often omitted.


I hear a child's voice from the second floor.


This shop is fragrant with the smell of roses.