げ (ge) Meaning Japanese Grammar - It Seems
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe suffix げ (ge
) is quite common in the Japanese language; it is translated as seemingly
, giving appearance of
We analysed in a previous post the synonym for げ: そう which refers to something that looks or appears in a certain way.
In this post, we look at the meaning of げ and its transcription into Kanji, the use of げ mainly with adjectives and combined with the volitional form expressed by たい.
How げ is formed
げ is a suffix used mainly with adjectives; use with nouns and verbs is possible, but limited.
How to use げ
The Kanji transcription of げ is 気 which has various meanings: air
, atmosphere
, energy
, mood
, spirit
It is used to express the feeling
and impression
that the person or situation gives off; it refers to something that looks a certain way, you don't have the certainty that it is that way, but you have the feeling that it is in the way described.
げ is synonymous with そう, that describes what it looks like to us.
She looks happy.
⇨ 彼女は嬉しそうだ。 The term in げ may be followed by the copula だ or by the particles な and に.
げ followed by な forms a new adjective and followed by に becomes an adverb.
Use as an adjective: げな
Adjectives in い lose the vowel い and adjectives in な are used without the syllable な.
happy ⇨ looking happy
satisfied ⇨ looking satisified
Example with the adjective 楽しい: cheerful
- 楽しい人 a
cheerful person
; use of the い adjective - 楽し気な人 literally: a
happy-looking person, an amused person
; use of the form げな
Differences between the two descriptions:
- 楽しい人 refers to a person who is basically happy and joyful; it describes their personality and disposition
- 楽し気な人 refers to a person who is cheerful and lively like 楽しい, likes to have fun, but describes more the mood of the moment
Example with the adjective 怪しい suspicious
, dubious
- 怪しい人 a
suspicious person
- 怪しげな人 a
dubious person
A suspicious person is loitering around the house.
Example with the な adjective: 親切な kind
, gentle
- 親切な人 refers to a
(personality) - 親切気な人 describes a friendly person, who makes a good impression on others
Image from a Website offering free illustrated images:

Summer fabrics that give a cool feeling
We also find 涼し気 in the description below the picture:
We have carefully selected summer fabrics with a cool image. The coloring is refreshing.
Use as adverb: げに
楽しげに joyfully
, happily
Children on a field trip are happily eating their lunch.
げ used in combination with the volitional たい
It is not unusual to find げ joined to the volitional form expressed by たい. たい loses the い as with adjectives and becomes たげ.
She looked at me as if to say, 'I know you don't have to tell me that'.
A sentence that sounds like a pun, we are particularly interested in the 言いた_げな_ part:
comes from 言いたい
I want to say
,I mean
joined to げ becomes 言い_たげ_
adding な the whole expression functions as an adjective placed before the noun 目:
a look that seems to say...
Other examples with the verb
言う combined with the structure たい + げ:
'He has an expression as if he wants to say something'
He looked like he wanted to say something, but he left the room without saying anything.
げ combined with the verb ある
As I mentioned, the use of the げ structure with verbs is less common. Here is an example with the verb ある being
, existing
which is used with the Base in い or B2 + げ.
- 意味ある:
having a meaning
,being meaningful
It looks like it has some meaning.
Examples of げ
I still remember how happy he looked when he showed me around his new home.
It may happen as in the previous sentence that the syllable な is omitted between the adjective in げ form and the noun that follows; both forms are correct.
In general, if な is omitted it is an objective statement, whereas if we use な the statement is subjective.
'My car is made in Japan,' he said, proudly.
On the morning of the entrance ceremony, my son was very anxious, but when he came home from school he was cheerful.
In this last sentence we have the term in げ joined to the copula だ.
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