
かた (kata) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Way

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'かた (kata) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Way'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The noun かた (kata) has a variety of meanings: direction, side,side, person.

The particular case that we will go throug in this post sees かた combined with a verb and takes on the meaning of: way, manner.

This form describes the way, the manner in which an action is performed.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of ございます, how it is formed and when ございます is used through real example sentences.

How かた is formed

かた is transcribed in Kanji as (かた) and is preceded by the verb base.

For Ichidan verbs ending in る, the base is unique and is obtained by removing the syllable る.



How to eat sushi the right way.

For Godan Verbs:

Verb base in い or B2+(かた)


How to read the kanji

How and when to use (かた)

We use (かた) when we want to express how an action is performed, how something is done.

つくる ⇨ the base in い becomes つくり + かた

How to make the cake

⇨ the way to make a cake

(かた) combined with the verb する

In Japanese, a common form combines a noun and the verb suru (do, make).

  • (でん)()する make a phone call, telephone
  • ()(もの)する shop If we want to apply the rule using (かた), the form becomes:
Noun++ ()(かた)
仕方 shikata: way, method


I don't know how to study. The four fundamentals to tell you.

Example using (りょう)()する cook

料理 (りょうり)説明 (せつめい)する。

Explain how to cook.

The forms with 方 are grammatically nouns.

  • ()(かた): manner of speaking, becomes expression, formulation
  • ()(かた): how to live is the lifestyle

Examples of (かた)


Please tell me how to get to the station.

Again, we can translate ()(かた) with nouns: path, road, way.

⇨ Show me the way to the station please.

数字 sūji: numbers


How to count

  • method for counting

The image shown comes from a text of (しょう)(がっ)(こう) Shōgakkō, the Japanese primary school and shows the numeric suffixes that joined to the number identify the category to which the element to be counted belongs.


Have you ever thought that the way you speak is strange?

Talking about Japanese rice

From a Video describing the differences between various types of rice, 3 main points:

(こめ)(しゅ)(るい): types of rice


Different varieties, different growing methods, different ranks.


Learn about the different types of rice.

How to draw hands.
(えが)く: to draw


How to draw hands.

Here is a beautiful reflection from a Japanese book containing the structure **かた

The way we use time is directly related to the way we use life.
使(つか)(かた): how to use, method, instructions operation


The way we use time is directly related to the way we use life.