ましょう (mashou) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Let's Do!
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe suffix ましょう (mashou
) is added to the verb base and creates the polite volitional form in Japanese.
It can be translated as Let's do it!
or Shall we?
ましょう is one of the suffixes added to the auxiliary verb ます and creates the polite form or ます form.
In this post we learn more about meaning of ましょう, how it is formed, and when ましょう is used through real example sentences.
How ましょう is formed
In the case of Ichidan verbs we have the structure:
Let's have lunch!
With the Godan verbs we have the form:
If you'd like, let's go toghether!
How and when to use ましょう
ましょう is one of the conjugations of the auxiliary verb ます.
It is commonly used to suggest or exhort the other person to do something together.
We express through this form:
- Let's do toghether!
- Come on, let's do this!
Let's try Indian food!
ましょうか to give help and willingness to do something
ましょう combined with the interrogative particle か is used when offering help and willingness to do something for the other person.
I will look after your child tonight.
What I want to express in the sentence is: Don't worry, I'll take care of the baby!
Shall I give you something to read?
Again, we have an offer, a kindness from the subject towards the other person and not a shared action.
In this sentence, we find the volitional form and the meaning is: Would you like me to give you something to read?
ましょうか to ask for advice
ましょうか is also used in cases where we are not sure about something and ask for advice and confirmation.
This dictionary is cheap, shall we buy it?
ましょう as polite imperative
ましょう is also used in first person to exhort oneself to do something or to invite the other person to perform an action.
I shall endeavour to complete the work.
The sentence has an exhortative meaning: Come on, let's get the job done!
If it rains tomorrow, let's stay home!

Let's go together! Let's pass away together! Let's live together!
Examples of ましょう
Let's have coffee there someday!
Let's meet him at the earliest opportunity!
できるだけ is a widely used expression in the Japanese language; it means as far as possible
, as much as possible
Let's look into the matter immediately!
In the sentence we find the form in temiru which is translated trying doing something
, try or experiment an action

Let's make soup and drinks!
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