
みたい (mitai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Like

Author Sandro Maglione for article 'みたい (mitai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Like'

Sandro Maglione

みたい (mitai) is a な adjective meaning seems, similar to, resembles. みたい is one of several ways in Japanese to indicate that something is like or is similar to something else.

みたい is a colloquial way of expressing a similarity between two objects or entities.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of みたい, how it is formed, and when みたい is used through real example sentences.

How みたい is formed

Since みたい is a な adjective it is possible to use it like any other adjective of this category.

In fact みたい can follow verbs, adjectives and nouns:

  • When みたい is placed at the end of the sentence you need to add だ (or です)
  • When みたい is applied to a noun you have to add な, while in other cases, when みたい is not at the end of the sentence, you have to add the particle に
みたい++Verb or Adverb or Adjective


His nose length looks like a banana.

みたい comes from the verb ()る, which means to see.


My older brother looks like a samurai.

みたい is used more often in colloquial situations, as it is much less formal than ようだ.


It looks like it's already sold-out.


She is a (beautiful) person like the sun.

How and when to use みたい

The main use of みたい is to indicate a similarity, something that is similar to something else.


He laughs like a child.

In this example his way of laughing ((わら)う) is compared to that of a child (()(ども)) using みたい: it seems like..., it looks like that of....

みたい is used when what is said is based on direct and reliable information.


The wall is thin like paper.

Sometimes in colloquial situations it is possible to omit だ (です) at the end of the sentence.


It looks like a doll.

みたい: just as if

Another use of みたい is to indicate a situation or experience that is just like something else. Also in this case we want to express the concept of similitude, something that seems like something else.


It felt just like a roller coaster ride.

みたい: something like

In colloquial situations みたい can be used to mean something like, something similar to.



What would you like to do?



How about something like manga?

Someone like you

Let's start from the title.

心理学について, about psychology


What is the psychology of people who say that people like you are their type? Let's find out why they say that.

Noun + みたいな as Adjective + Noun The following sentences:


'What kind of person is your type?' is one of the most frequently asked questions.


And one of the answers is: Someone like you.

Litterally: One of the answers is the expression: "Someone like you".


Here, I will introduce the psychology of people who say that Someone like You is their type.

The expression ご(しょう)(かい)します belongs to the Keigo, the Honorific Language. The strucures formed by Noun + する use the honorific prefixes ご or お before the Noun.

  • (れん)(らく)します: I will contact you
  • (でん)()します: I will call you

Like a Japanese

日本人みたいに, like a Japanese


As a foreigner, how can I learn to speak Japanese like a Japanese?

In this sentence we find みたい used as an adverb, followed by the particle に. Noun + みたいに + Verb


Speak English like a British person.

Examples of みたい


It seems that nobody is there.


A story that seems like a dream.


Do you have something like tea?