
ないうちに (nai uchi ni) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Before It Becomes

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'ないうちに (nai uchi ni) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Before It Becomes'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression ないうちに (nai uchi ni) means before it becomes, before it occurs, without.

This structure is used with the plain negative form expressed by the suffix ない.

We'll also see the comparison between ないうちに and (まえ)に, the difference in structure and nuance of meaning.

How ないうちに is formed

ないうちに is an expression commonly used in Japanese everyday life.

It is formed by:

  • ない the suffix of the plain negative form used for this structure
  • the noun (うち) meaning inside, within, between; it has spatial and temporal value
  • the particle に

⇨ while it does not happen, before it happens

Verb in plain negative form ない+うちに+Phrase

Verbs commonly used with the structure ないうちに:

  • ()がつかないうちに: before I notice it, without me noticing
  • ()らないうちに: without realizing it, before I realize, before I know it, before I knew it
  • (わす)れないうちに: before I forget
() (ねむ) ()ちていました

Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


It happens before you realize it.

How and when ないうちに is used

ないうちに is a structure that literally translated means while the action does not occur.

ないうちに expresses the time within something must not occur, otherwise it will cause something unpleasant, something annoying, something we consider negative.

While action A (considered negative) does not occur, we perform action B.

スープが () ()んでください。
さめる: raffreddarsi, intiepidirsi

Please drink the soup before it gets cold.

The meaning is as long as A (the soup getting cold) does not occur, we perform action B (we drink the soup).

Let's analyze some uses of this expression.

ないうちに: before something happens

Before action A (of negative significance) occurs, we perform action B and have a positive result, a benefit.


Let's take action before we miss the opportunity.

  • (よる)()けないうちに: before dawn

It literally means: the time when the night has not broken, before the night breaks


Let's go out before he comes.

ないうちに: before something ends

Again, before the action expressed by sentence A terminates, we act with sentence B and will have advantages.


Let's take photos of the flowers before they wither.


Let's save money before we spend it all.

ないうちに and (まえ)

ないうちに and (まえ)に are for the most part interchangeable, but have a difference in structure and nuance of meaning.

  • (まえ)に is preceded by the verb in the plain affirmative form
  • ないうちに uses the verb in the negative plane form and is generally used in negative, unprofitable and unfavourable situations
(あめ) ()買物 (かいもの) ()ってこよう。

Let's go shopping before it rains.

We can use (まえ)に and say:

(あめ) ()買物 (かいもの) ()ってこよう。
Affirmative form before 前に

Let's go shopping before it rains.

Link to learn or review the structure using (まえ)に: mae ni.

Examples of ないうちに

Being addicted without realizing it.
()(へき): term indicating addiction


Being addicted without realizing it.

Based on the best-selling novel by Kawaguchi Toshikazu, which was adapted into the homonymous film


'Before the coffee gets cold'


I was so absorbed in my studies that before I knew it, the sun was setting.