
何となく (nantonaku) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Just Because

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article '何となく (nantonaku) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Just Because'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression (なん)となく (nantonaku) has various meanings and the translation depends on the context and the situation.

We can translate it as for some reason, I guess, in some way, for no special reason.

How to form (なん)となく

(なん)となく is formed by 3 elements:

  • (なん) the interrogative meaning what
  • と is a particle connected to (なん)
  • なく is an adverbial form coming from ない not being, not existing

⇨ There is no particular thing, reason,in some way, somehow, I don't know why, but I feel so.


(なん)となく to express vagueness and uncertainty

(なん)となくis used to convey a sense of vagueness or uncertainty regarding a situation or feeling.

It implies that something is done or felt without a clear reason or explanation, often based on a vague intuition or feeling.

We can explain the structure using the Japanese sentence (ばく)(ぜん)(こた)える: answer vaguely.


Somehow I could listen.

Whenever we are asked something and we have no particular reason why we chose a thing or performed an action, the answer may be:


No particular reason.


I have a bad feeling about it somehow.

(なん)となく no clear reasons or purposes

(なん)となく is used when we perform an action without a clear reason or purpose.


I bought a lottery ticket without a clear reason or purpose, and I won.


I ran into a friend at the convenience store out of the blue.

⇨ I had no plans to meet a friend at the konbini, going there I met him by chance.

Other examples of (なん)となく



Sorry, but I won't be able to go to your birthday party tomorrow.



It’s okay. I just thought so.

Cover of a book for high school students:

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The sentence we focus on is: (なん)となく()く meaning solve / answer something vaguely or solve / answer something without much thought.



Did you understand how to use this kanji?



Yes, I understand most of it.