
のが好き (no ga suki) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Love Doing

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'のが好き (no ga suki) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Love Doing'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression のが()き (no ga suki) means like doing, love doing.

In this post we'll analyse together the use of ()きな as Adjective in な in its attributive and predicative function and the structure のが()き that is used preceded by a verb.

I'll also add various phrases of daily use with the structure のが()き and some extracts from original material on the Net.

I like: use of the Adjective ()きな

()き is a noun and with the addition of the particle な it becomes an adjective in な with the meaning of predilect, favoured, preferred.

In the attributive function ()きな precedes the noun:

  • ()きな(きょく) the favourite song
  • ()きな(くに) the favourite country
  • ()きな(ひと) the person I like
Kanji formed by the element 女 women and 子 child


My favourite music is rock.

In the predicative function ()きな loses the particle な and is followed by the copula in the plain form and です in the polite form.

Subject++what we like++好きだ


My mother likes Indian food.

If a Japanese friend asks you what is your (だい)(こう)(ぶつ) daikōbutsu , he wants to know your favourite dish / food.




This time I would like to talk about how men really like these reactions from women.

The quoted sentence is taken from a Video on YouTube posted by a guy talking about the reactions (はん)(のう) and the behaviour of girls that boys particularly like.

The phrase we are interested in for this post is:


Men really like these reactions from women.

I like a lot, I adore, I love

If we like very much a thing, a person, a situation we have several simple ways of saying it:

  • とても()だ we use the adverb meaning very much
  • or we use the kanji great, huge, big and have the expression (だい)()
  • the young commonly use instead めっちゃ which replaces とても, as we heard in the previous audio

Two comments on music videos, with informal expressions:

I really love it.
めっちゃ colloquial and informal


I really love it.

In the colloquial context, we can translate the expression in various ways, following the new expressions common among young people.

I really like this song.
Use of まじ to say really


I really like this song.

ランキング: from the English word ranking


Children's favourite foods - ranking

The particle が is often omitted in informal and colloquial speeches.


I love French chanson!

I like doing: use of the structure のが()

The structure のが()き is used when we express what we like through a verb.

Plain form of the Verb+のが好き+


I like watching Japanese anime.

If we like reading we can use this structure and say:


I like reading books.

or we can use the Noun (どく)(しょ) reading.


I like reading.

The same structure is used with other adjectives in な or in い.

For example:

  • のが上手: be good at doing something
  • if we are not good or inclined to do a certain thing, the structure is: のが(にが)()

I don't like it

The negative form of the structure のが()き is obtained with the negative of the copula:

  • in the plain form becomes ではない or じゃない
  • です in the polite form becomes ではありません or じゃありません



Do you like swimming?



No, I don't like it.

Another common way of saying I don't like something uses an adjective in the affirmative form, but with a negative meaning: (きら)い for all the things or situations that we dislike or hate.

Examples of のが()

I will always love you.
ずっと adverb meaning continuously, the whole time, all the way


I will always love you.

10 characteristics of people who like to listen.
(とく)(ちょう) is the Noun meaning characteristic, peculiarity


10 characteristics of people who like to listen.

In this last sentence, we find the use of the Adjective in な: のが()きな followed by the noun (ひと) human, person, someone.