
しかない (shikanai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Nothing But

Author GokuGoku for article 'しかない (shikanai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Nothing But'


The expression しか~ない (shika~nai) means only, nothing but, is the only thing.

しか~ない is similar to だけ in its meaning of only, but unlike だけ, しか~ない can only be used for negative expressions.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of しかない, how it is formed, and when しかない is used through real example sentences.

How しか~ない is formed

しか~ない is made up of:

しか follows the noun to which the expression is applied, then follows the complete sentence, and at the end we find the verb in the negative form:


How and when to use しか~ない

The expression しか~ない indicates that there is nothing outside of what is mentioned. In fact, the noun or the indicated quantity is the only thing that exists, there is nothing beyond that.

Let's see a simple example:


There is nothing but 100 yen in the wallet.

This sentence indicates that, beyond 100 yen, there is really nothing else. It can be seen that the meaning is similar to だけ, but the difference is that:

  • The use of だけ indicates that there are only 100 yen, with no particular emphasis on whether this amount is enough, too little, or anything else
  • Using しか instead you want to indicate that there is really nothing else, only 100 yen. For example, if someone asks you to give you more money, with しか you can indicate that you have nothing else than 100 yen


There is nothing else but this.

しか always requires the verb that follows in the negative form. If the verb is positive, then use だけ

しかない - No other choice

The expression しかない (shikanai) is also widely used to indicate that there is nothing else (nothing to do, nothing besides this, no other possibility).


しかない follows a verb, and emphasizes the fact that nothing outside the indicated action is possible.


There is no choice but to call the police.

しかない conveys the idea that, considering the situation we are in, there can be no other way, possibility, or choice than the one indicated.

It is possible to find in manga, anime, and in colloquial language the abbreviated form of しか: っきゃ, which together with the verb in the negative form becomes っきゃない. This abbreviation is not very common in everyday language.

(あきら)めるしかない? No choice but to give up?

From the channel of a Japanese Psychiatrist (せい)(しん)()() seishinkai, the Psychiatrist The term is formed by:

  • (せい)(しん) spirit, mind
  • () from the word ()(がく) Science
  • () medicine, doctor


I can't change others, so have I no choice but to give up?



From a discussion about: (のう)()(がく) Nōkagaku: 脳 Brain + 科学 Science ⇨ Neuroscience



Here is the book discussed in the audio:

The word for Japanese title given to foreign work is:

  • (ほう)(だい): hōdai or
  • 日本(にほん)()(だい)(めい): Nihongo no daimei


Exercise is the only way to train the brain.

(えい)()のタイトル: Eigo no taitoru The title of the original book from which the reflection originated is: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain」 by John J. Ratey

Examples of しかない


There is no choice for you but to get killed by me.


If you can't do that then you can only die.

A comment on a mountain hiking video:

I have only traveled part of this mountain road.
(さん)(どう): mountain road, mountain trail


I have only ever walked part of this mountain path.