
ところだ (tokoro da) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Be About

Author GokuGoku for article 'ところだ (tokoro da) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Be About'


ところだ (tokoroda) is a term used to say that you are about to do something. Its meaning specifically changes depending on the conjugation applied to the verb preceding ところだ.

We have three possible conjugations for this term:

  • るところだ (dictioary form): indicates that you are about to start doing.
  • たところだ (form in た, past tense): Indicates you have just finished doing or you have just done.
  • ているところだ (ている form): Indicates that you are doing something right now .

Origin of ところだ

ところだ is derived from the term ところ (sometimes abbreviated to とここ).

ところ means place or situation. The literal translation can therefore be interpreted as to be at this moment (だ is the copula in Japanese meaning to be).


Let's look at an example sentence to understand how to use るところだ:


I'm about to talk to him.

This sentence uses the verb to speak (はな)す in its basic form (dictionary form). In this case as we have seen the use of ところだ translates as I am going to do.

The sentence uses the particle に to indicate towards whom I am going to speak, i.e. him (かれ).

The full meaning of the sentence is thus that I (subject implied, 私は) am about to go and talk to him (I haven't done it yet but I'm about to do it right now).


Also for たところだ let's see an example sentence to understand how it is used:


I've just finished eating.

The verb in the example is finish eating ()()わる. The verb is conjugated in the form in ta (past tense), and becomes ()()わった.

For this reason, the meaning of ところだ becomes I just finished doing.


Finally, we also see an example of how to use ているところだ:


I'm watching the film right now.

The verb to see ()る is conjugated in the ている form, which becomes ()ている.

The meaning of ところだ is therefore I am doing right now.

ところだ before, during and after

We can summarise the uses of ところだ through 3 terms:

(ちょく)(ぜん) just before, immediately before

I am about to perform the action: use of the plain form in the present tense.


I'm just leaving the office now.

(さい)(ちゅう) in the middle of, in the course of

The action is in progress, I am performing the action: use of the ている form.


I'm doing my homework, I'll call you later.

(ちょく)() immediately following

The action has just ended: use of the plain form in the past tense.


I've just got off the train, so I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

Other examples of ところだ


I'm preparing dinner now, so please wait a little longer.


I am on my way there now.



What are you doing now?



I'm about to take a bath.