
ぜひ (zehi) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Certainly

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'ぜひ (zehi) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Certainly'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The term ぜひ (zehi) means certainly, absolutely or by all means and it is generally considered an adverb, used in combination with a verb.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of ぜひ, how it is formed, and when ぜひ is used through real example sentences.

How ぜひ is formed

The term ぜひ can also be transcibed in kanji:

  • ()() zehi, interesting word formed by
  • 是 kanji of the demonstrative series of これ kore: this, just so
  • 非 means fault, error, mistake

We can use the two transcriptions, but there is a slight difference:

  • ぜひ in hiragana is considered as an adverb
  • ()() in kanji is a noun

()() in a Japanese definition:


Right and Wrong.

ぜひ+verb in て form
ぜひ+honorific expressions

How and when ぜひ is used

ぜひ is often used with the て form of the verb and ください, the imperative mood of the verb くださる that means to give.

It is used when giving advice, suggestions or when inviting a person to do something.


Please have a look.

Synonyms of ()() are どうぞ dōzo, どうか dōka, くれぐれも kureguremo

()()する: argue, judge

()() combined with する (make, do) means to argue about whether things are right or wrong, with the meaning of judge.

Please do


Please do come to Japan!

We find the て form and ください, for requests or invitations in a polite way.



May I use your dictionary?



Please do.


If you see him, would you give us a call?

Zehi and recommendations

We can use ぜひ in everyday conversation, in business conversations and in e-mails, when we want to say: Please, do.

We use this expression in particular when we are recommending someone to do something.


Please go to that restaurant over there.

This expression can also be translated as you should do or you had better to do.

In this kind of sentences, we recommend and suggest someone to do something.


You should watch that movie.


I recommend that you try the food.

(すす)めする o-susume suru in a polite form or (すす)める susumeru in the dictionary form is the verb meaning to suggest.

I would love to

ぜひ in a conversational context has the meaning of I'l love to, I'd like to. When a person asks something using ませんか, the answer often contains the structure : ()()!(~したい)」.



Would you like to go to the cinema?



Sure, I'd love to.

Zehi and Keigo, the honorific language

An expression of gratitude often used in Japan is:


Thank you very much for your help.

If we also use 是非 in the same expression, we are going to emphasise the feeling of gratitude towards the person. We find ()() in many honorific expressions:


We hope you will use it.

The literal translation is Please use it, but since it is a Keigo expression, the translation into the various languages should use more sophisticated terms appropriate to the situation.


If you have time, please come and visit us.

Examples of ぜひ


I would love to see your drawing.

The term ()()とも zehitomo is used to give more emphasis to what is stated.


We would love you to attend our wedding.


My boss asked me to come to today's get-together by all means.


By all means, let's talk.