
いらっしゃる (irassharu) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Be

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'いらっしゃる (irassharu) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Be'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The verb いらっしゃる (irassharu) means be, come, go and is the honorific form of ()る, ()る and ()く.

It replaces these verbs in contexts where it is appropriate to use the Japanese honorific language: the Keigo.

It is also used in conjunction with the て form of another verb.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of いらっしゃる, how it is formed and when いらっしゃる is used through real example sentences.

How to form いらっしゃる

いらっしゃる is used in the sentence instead of the verbs:

  • ()be, stay, remain
  • ()come
  • ()go


Teacher, what time will you remain at school?

How and when to use いらっしゃる

いらっしゃる belongs to the (けい)(), the Japanese honorific language, specifically to the (けい)(けい)(): the language of respect that elevates and emphasises the status of our interlocutor.

It is never used in the first person and in the context of (うち) uchi, the inside or the interior: our family members and close friends.

いらっしゃる is used in the sphere of (そと) soto, outside, that includes all people outside the intimate sphere: acquaintances, strangers towards whom it is appropriate to use a formal language.


When are you coming to Tokyo?

Plain form and Polite form

いらっしゃる is the dictionary form; the various conjugations of both the plain form and the polite form in ます are used:

  • いらっしゃる / いらっしゃいます in the present affirmative
  • いらっしゃらない / いらっしゃいません present negative
  • いらっしゃった / いらっしゃいました past affirmative
  • いらっしゃらなかった / いらっしゃいませんでした past negative


Today there are no customers.


Do you plan to visit New York again?

Form ていらっしゃる

いらっしゃる is also used preceded by the て form and is the honorific form of ている, てある, ていく and です.

The copula だ the plain form, です the polite form and でいらっしゃる the honorific form.


Are you Mr Nakata?


The teacher is originally from Niigata.

  • ()んでいらっしゃる in its informal version is ()んでいる


Where do you currently live?


You are still thinking about this matter.

Synonyms of いらっしゃる

いらっしゃる can be replaced by various other forms of the honorific language.

  • ()しください: imperative of the form お~ください: please come in
  • ()しくださる dictionary form: come


Thank you very much for visiting us.

  • ()えになる: arrive
O-mie ni naru: respectful term referring to the coming of a superior.
()(うえ)(かた): the superiors.


O-mie ni naru: respectful term referring to the coming of a superior.

  • おいでになる written in kanji is お()でになる: come, go


Have you been to the exhibition yet?

  • ()come and ()go: are Keigo forms obtained from the passive structure of the verb.


The customer has just arrived.

  • おられる be, exist


It is now lunchtime, is the section manager still in the conference room?

日本(にほん)()(あい)(さつ): Japanese greeting



いらっしゃいませ derives from the honorific verb いらっしゃる that we are studying in this post and is commonly used by shopkeepers, restaurant staff and other public places as a form of greeting to welcome customers.

The shortened form of いらっしゃいませ is いらっしゃい and is considered less formal than いらっしゃいませ.

Example of いらっしゃる


Excuse me, is the president in?


The teacher came yesterday.


What time will you be at our company?